5 Ways To Keep Kids Engaged At Home This Summer

16 May 2022
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Summer vacations are near, and that means loads of free and idle time for the kids! It is very easy for your kids to find that perfect spot on the couch and remain sedentary for the rest of the summer as going outside is troublesome at this time of the month. The roaring heatwaves, and the added laze of vacations need not mean Netflix all day everyday. There are various children's games, diy activities, educational games and more that you can encourage to make summer vacations more meaningful. Take this time out to expose your kids to a variety of hobbies and interests that can stay with them for a while, and they go back to even when the vacations are over. So if you are a parent eagerly looking for more ideas, and diy activities to make your children’s summer vacation more engaging and meaningful, keep reading!

  1. Learn a Language - We know that learning a language within a month or two is difficult, but introducing them to foreign languages and cultures is an important step. Introducing this activity at a younger age is even better as it helps with your child’s brain development and helps them accelerate towards certain mental milestones at their age. You can make learning a language interesting and fun for the kids by making it a family activity. This can help your child learn the language better as regularly conversing in the language being learnt helps consolidate the basics of the language! There are various apps that can help you design games and fun activities around it, like Duolingo, which has engaging graphics for young kids!

  2. Indoor Zumba - When we think of DIY activities to help your child remain active in this heatwave, indoor zumba is a great idea that comes to mind! There are various youtube channels and online resources to make this activity completely free for kids and parents. This is highly recommended for young kids, as we often neglect the importance of activity and movement for them, but exercise for young kids is supremely important. Youtube channels, especially catered for young kids, keep your kids engaged and moving!

  3. Educate and Grow - Summer vacations call for some serious projects and activities that can help your child grow as a person. Let your child take the initiative to help a lesser-privileged child in a lower grade than them and teach them certain subjects. This will expose them to a lifestyle that is vastly different from theirs and will help them become more empathetic and kind as people.

  4. Learning an Instrument - Choosing children’s activities that are both fun and impactful can be hard, but the answer was in front of us all along- learning how to play an instrument! At a young age, learning how to play certain instruments like guitar, piano, violin etc is extremely beneficial for your child. From accelerating their hand-eye coordination, to boosting motor and brain development, it is truly one of the best activities for your kids! It is especially beneficial for young kids, so if your child is under the age of 6, do seriously consider enrolling them to play an instrument!

  5. Sustainable Crafts - What’s summer vacation without getting crafty? With the conversation around sustainability and zero waste growing wider, designing children’s activities around these values can be meaningful for your kids! Begin by sorting out old bottles, rags, plastic wares and more. During this process, teach them how to sort between old and unused wares, and find various diverse uses for different objects. Second, teach them the concept of upcycling through crafts. Reusing plastic containers as planters, turning old rags into beautiful coasters, turning your old pair of jeans into a beautiful bottle warmer- the possibilities are endless!
  6. At Podar, we take the holistic development of your child very seriously. From having extra-curriculars to hobby clubs, we believe in creating a nourishing environment for your child. For more information about admission and our vision, click here.

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