6 Good Habits Your Kids Should Know For A Happy, Healthy Life

20 May 2022
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Raising children is one of the most rewarding, challenging and delightful experiences of one’s life. Every parent has their unique approach to parenting that should be celebrated and acknowledged. Parenting, thankfully, is not a one size fits all, as everyone has a unique personality that needs individual attention, reinforcement, nurturing and growth. Be that as it may, there are some tips for a healthy life that stand the test of time. As we evolve, there are certain principles in life that stand testament to consistent results of success in life. Raising a child in the 21st century poses certain unique challenges as you are not only dealing with the natural world, but also with the virtual world and the dangers it brings. Parenting is a cobbled road, but there are certain habits that you can teach your child to smoothen their path. Small things like always putting your dishes in the sink after eating, helping your grandmother cross the road, being kind to street animals- are something that helps your child become more human everyday. Punctuality, discipline with food, reading daily are habits that help them become more successful in life. As a parent, one needs to strike the balance between these two aspects to help promote a happy and healthy life!

  • Healthy Sleep Schedule - One of the most important good habits for students is maintaining a healthy sleep schedule. The importance of sleep is not talked about enough. Sleep at a young age is crucial for important motor and brain developments to take place. An undisturbed period of sleep for your brain is important for it to work at its full capacity and help you to achieve your tasks with ease. With children glued to their tablets, or TV right before bedtime is leading to poor quality of sleep. Inculcate the habit of no screens at least an hour or two before bed so your children give their body and brain the much-needed sleep it deserves.

  • Punctuality - After cleanliness, punctuality is next to godliness! Punctuality is an important habit to introduce to your child. It is important to be on time as one must always respect each other’s time. Showing up at the correct time is extending politeness and professionalism to one another, something that kids should start learning at a young age. Dance at 6? Show up at 5:50! School Bus at 7? Be ready at your spot by 6:55.

  • Reading - The art of reading is not lost on us, yet. With the advent of digital short-form content, getting your kids to read for leisure can be tricky, but if done right can help them gain a lifelong hobby. The habit of reading for a long time helps build your child’s attention span, and gives them information that they will hold on to for a long time. When reading fantasy novels and fiction, it helps children to build on their imaginative thinking and boosts their creativity- that is excellent for their brain and mental milestones.

  • No Phones on the Dinner Table - Introducing your child to the digital space can sometimes have more cons than pros. While chiding them at all points can do more harm than good, it is important to set strict boundaries. Family time may mean sharing a meal together, or watching a show together and during that time- no phones are allowed! Be strict with this rule so that your kids know that there are rules set in stone for particular timings.

  • Cleanliness - Getting your kids to clean their own space gives them a sense of responsibility from an early age. Tie certain privileges and incentive to maintaining a clean room and hygiene so that they understand that being clean and hygienic at all times is a non-negotiable. Giving their clothes up for a wash, cleaning their school shoes, keeping their study spaces neat and taking a bath everyday are some of the best good health habits for children.

  • Being Polite - Greeting guests and neighbours, opening the doors for elders, engaging in conversation with guests at home- it is important for parents to teach their kids how to be polite from a young age. It is very easy for kids to become socially reclusive by being immersed in their tablets and computers without even uttering a word to the guests or relatives that come at home, making them unskilled in the social space. Encourage open conversation and kind gestures, set an example for your children and urge them to be polite with everyone on a regular basis.
  • At Podar, we promote a holistic development of your child’s personality. Going beyond academics, we aim to raise responsible citizens of the future who further the collective interests of the world with empathy, brilliance and kindness. To get in touch with us and know more about our vision, click here.

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