Back To School: 5 Ways You Can Make Going To School A Fun Experience For Kids

15 June 2022
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2 years ago school as we know it was completely changed! Your child’s bedroom became their classroom, their laptop became their teacher and online meetings became avenues for interaction. However, schools in India have come a long way from there. With Covid under control, robust vaccination drives and strict hygiene and sanitization protocols, schools in India have this situation under control. However, getting kids excited for 7 am school time again can be difficult. As parents we all know the importance of education in our lives, and therefore getting children excited and pumped for full time school again will be an important task for all parents. Children can be intimidated by huge social gatherings and being away from their caregivers for a long time, they can find it difficult concentrating in class, taking running notes, submitting their assignments on time etc. This is especially true for students who got into primary schooling or secondary schooling during the pandemic.

Reminding kids about the importance of education, reinforcing the value of teachers, fun activities and friendships, here's how you can make "going to school" memorable for kids.

  1. Making Kids Value The School Experience - Instilling respect for the importance of education should be done early on. This can be done through one on one discussions with your kids, making them understand that good education indeed is a privilege, or just studying the history of their favourite personalities. It is important that children understand the outcome of good education for them to truly understand the worth. A great way for children to understand the importance of a good school is for them to teach and tutor the lesser fortunate who are deprived of these privileges. A 1:1 time with them can truly make them appreciate the gift of education and respect it for a long time.

  2. Value of Teachers - Schools in India are nothing without their teachers, and every child should be made wary of the importance of educators. Students and teachers have a special primary bond, as teachers are the one that enable your child to see the world in words, numbers and colours. Getting to know their class teacher, appreciating their teacher now and then, making your child know that they should respect their teacher at all times etc can help your child appreciate their teachers even more. At home, you can create an environment where any teacher- whether it is their tuition, art or music teacher, should be commanded the same respect despite their status.

  3. Fun Activities - Kids are always excited when it comes to activities! To get them excited for school, you can enrol them in different school activities, clubs, competitions and more. They might be dreading going back to their usual morning routine, but by adding this fun element and dozens of activities, they will start looking forward to when their schools re-open!

  4. Socialisation - One of the common fears of kids going back to school is socialisation. They have not been in a room with many children for 2 years and it is quite natural for them to be intimidated by this upcoming social interaction. As a parent, you can always train and familiarise your child with social groups by taking them to parks, and activities with a lot of kids present before school reopens. However, a better way to get them excited for school is to host a party and invite all their friends. This party can be a way for your child to know that they can always have fun and enjoy being around friends even when it is at school!

  5. Routine - An important part of school is routine! Before school starts, it is important that we get our kids back on a routine. This can help your kids get used to school time much more easily and can help reduce some of the school-time woes that we are used to. Getting out of and getting to bed at a proper time, setting aside time for school work and play-time- all these things should be started a week before school to help them get acclimated to the normal routine once again!
  6. At Podar International School, we are delighted to welcome our students back to school for the new academic session! If you are interested in enrolling your child into the school, or know about our admission process, click here!

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